The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (R.C.I.A.) is the Process by which adults become members of the Roman Catholic Church.
The Process is for adults who are unbaptized, those baptized in another faith and for those baptized Catholic who need both the Sacraments of Eucharist and Confirmation. Our St. Rose of Lima R.C.I.A. Team provides a welcoming environment where the teachings of the Church are presented and your questions are answered. We bring you on a “Journey of Faith” with the Catholic Church: it’s Beliefs, Traditions, History and Worship and incorporate you into its life with Christ today.
Becoming Catholic is a profound and joyous experience and we are blessed and privileged to be companions on your journey of faith.
If you are interested in attending R.C.I.A. sessions at St. Rose of Lima Parish, or have further questions, please call (805) 526-1732
For information about baptizing children into the Roman Catholic Church, pleaseclick here.