The purpose of the Apologetics Section is to inform Catholics about their faith so as to be prepared when questions are asked or doubts arise. The word, “Apologetics” does not mean that one should go around apologizing for being Catholic. It comes from the Greek term “apologia,” which we get from the first letter of St. Peter, where he says that we should “always be ready to give a reason for the hope that lies within us” (1 Peter 3:15).
We must
always be prepared to give answers to those who are seeking the truth. The only way to prepare for this is to understand why we believe what we believe. If we do not have a sufficient knowledge of our faith – how can we sufficiently share our faith with any of our friends or family members? How can we help them to understand the message of the Gospel if we don‘t understand it ourselves? All Catholics should be informed on subjects such as the Real Presence, Salvation, Confession, Purgatory, Marian Doctrines and many others so that we can spread the Good News as Jesus commanded us (Matt. 28:19-20).
In this section, we also hope to dispel many myths and falsehoods about the Church that have developed over time – to set the record straight. Our non-Catholics brothers and sisters also have a right to know the truth.
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